There is NO such question: NeoPopRealism or zentangle. Zentangle is a fraud. Everyone who has IQ 80 score (minimum is 70) and who is able to analyze things, can see where zentangle came from.
It was a conversation between two people, an artist and a lawyer. Now, is a popular joke:
"Lawyer said, "What a term 'zentangle' means?"
Artist said, "Zen is "top", tangle is "crooked". All together is "top crooks"."
Zentangle = top crooks = zen grifters. (Grifter - a person who swindles people by means of deception or fraud.) And those people who support them would do anything for money, for little money. Moral decadence.
Read more on the subject of "new art form" (aka craft form), find more details at the following websites: