Nadia Russ (aka Nadejda Maloletneva) began painting in 1989. Then, she developed concept of the ‘meditation art’ and used this art form constantly as the main form of expression in her ink drawings and oil/acrylic paintings. Later, elements of the ‘meditation art’ were constantly appearing in her artwork ‘til present days and they are a part of NeoPopRealism, style of visual arts that Nadia Russ created and manifested internationally in 2003.
Concept of the “Meditation Art’
Artist draws the lines that curve into any shapes - faces, figures, flowers, any objects simple or complicated. Then, he/she fills every section with the different repetitive patterns and adds coloring if he/she wants use the color. Some spaces he/she can leave as it is, without the repetitive patterns or coloring. Artist do not use eraser if he/she makes a mistake, he/she just moves on and this error eventually disappears because of the balance with the following patterns. The repetitive patterns can be different. This art form relaxes your mind.
Samples of Nadia Russ’ work that feature meditation art:
“Russian Justice” journal,1992, Nadia Russ illustrated a story by Saho Sasadzava
Newspaper of the Moscow Union of Artists “Moscow Hudojnik”, 1993 - article about Nadia Russ (aka
Nadejda Maloletneva) features artwork which is based on meditation art concept she created. This artwork
is now in permanent collection of Konotop Museum, Ukraine.
This work, based on meditation art concept, is in permanent collection of Kinsey Institute
Nadia Russ, ink on paper, Fragment
Nadia Russ, ink on paper
Artworks that above are based on the art concept created by Nadia Russ in 1989.
More of Nadia Russ work related to this art form and to NeoPopRealism, which also often includes the elements of the meditation art can be found in Ukrainian Museum in New York City, Kinsey Institute/ Indiana University (200 ink drawings, 2 artworks on canvas and 2 glass objects), in Sumy Art Museum in Ukraine (20 ink drawings), in WEAM one glass object 4“x4“- museum in Miami (USA), in MOYA 2 ink drawings and 2 canvases - Museum of Young Art in Vienna (Austria), Konotop Museum (Ukraine) ink drawings and canvas painting and more. For other information visit
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June 3,
NeoPopRealism Journal sent email to
"Design Originals" and Rick Roberts & Maria Thomas that said it is not appropriate to claim the inventorship of art form that, created by Nadia Russ in 1989, and publish about it in their craftsmen's books.
Same day
NeoPopRealism Journal got reply from "Zentangle": "We … are unsure of what similarities you see between Nadia Russ' work and art created according to Zentangle's teaching method. We're also unsure what you mean by "meditation art"."
June 13, NeoPopRealism Journal sent to Richards and Thomas email that said all answers to their questions they can find in Nadia Russ‘ website, also
NeoPopRealism Journal said in this email: "We have a few questions related to "Zentangle" and would like to know if you will answer them."
NeoPopRealism Journal got no reply.